Hiii, It's Alisha. I've sort of stolen Ylva's blog for the night. This will be just a random post about what living with her has been like.
So. Life with Ylva.
What a lovely girl she is eh? She's also smart. Strong. Fit. and she's very good at speaking English, probably better than I am.
Living with her is awesome. Because she also cooks, cleans, and contributes to conversation and is fun to be around.
She does have some not-so-good things however. For starters, she has this rediculous phobia of feet. Everytime a foot comes near her, she backs away like it's a posonous bug with a discusted expression on her face. She also types Very loud. And she has a habbit of repeating words 3 times (for example, she will say what what what?, or Oh oooohhh ohhhhh. )
This year Ylva and I have spent quite a lot of time together. We've been sleding, rollerblading, snowboarding, Hiking, and baked (lots) together. We've been in cheerleading, volleyball, yoga and led in Kids Church together. We've stayed up all night chatting, or playing games. We've had sort of philisophical debates on life and death. We've bonded through the course of this year, and I just want to give her a bigggg THANKYOU.
For being who she is, shes changed and enhanced my life and the life of my family. Her willingness to try new things has helped me to learn to expand and grow too. Her personality has brightened our (rather boring) household. One of the things I love about Ylva is she fits so much into her life, and pushes herself to do better. Not only has she just been going to school this year but she.s also managed extra morning leadership classes, student counsel, volunteering at the art gallery and the Salvation Army, and at Church, and she has been often going to the gym, been involved in countless sports ativities, numerous Shecana events, school outings, and much more. <theres never a dull moment. & It is INSANE to think and realize that she will be leaving us soon.
I can't even imagine it.
She's grown to be such a part of our lives, and is a centerpiece in our family. Her leaving is going to be like taking a Jenga peice out from the bottom of the stack. Nevertheless, Ylva is a unforgettable person and I'm sure we will keep in touch and hopefully I will visit her in Sweden !
I'm going to miss her very much! It's weird how after just one year someone can be loved just as much as someone who you've known your entire life.
To Ylva: Wishing you the absolute best! I know your going to continue to live the life of legacy from this year and have the rest of your life be fantastic! I can't wait to see who you will turn out to be in like 5 years from now. It's exciting that we are both growing up. You, my dear, are awesome. And I've come to love you, for all the great things you do and I love your imperfections. There are soo many great memories that I will hold with me for forever.
I'm so glad that we picked you :D
ps. Do not forget about that little pact we made.... (about getting tattoos) because it's legit, and theres no going back on it! ! !
Heres some random pics of something we both love... FOOD!
Alisha, Alisha, Alisha. I don't even know where to start cuz there are so many things to be said. I wont say them all here because it would take up way to much space, but what I can say, and this is from the bottom of my heart, is that this year you have become the sister I never had but always wanted. I know we have our differences and we dont always agree, but that's what sisters are like, isn't it? And none of this matters, because we also have so much in common (our passion for food, for example). We laugh at the same things, neither of us is very cheery or talkative in the morning, we both realize the value of spending time by ourselves. We've had so much fun together this year and have so many awesome and crazy experiences together. Like making dressing with a teabag,roller skating inside the school, spending 10 hours making a cake and almost getting lost in the wilderness. You have taught me a lot about life, and I am so incredibly glad I ended up in your family. I will miss you all so much. I'll miss walking the dog and watching the stars together, I'll miss your creativity in the kitchen (don't forget to start your oatmeal blog! This is a must!), I will miss Saturday brunch and our long conversations about life, death and our future. I will even miss your mess on the kitchen table and your wierd (but yummy!)spinach-smoothies.
SvaraRaderaI am so glad I got to get to know you this year and I love you so much!
Love, Ylva
And OMG those food pictures look GOOD!!!